donderdag 11 maart 2010

telegraaf 10-02-2010

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3 opmerkingen:

  1. telegraaf 27 oktober 2009: Rouvoet wil graag onder jongeren zijn...vind hij wel leuk.
    Haagse kids boos op Rouvoet
    DEN HAAG - Minister Rouvoet was gisteren in Den Haag om daar voor een dag aan de slag te gaan als jongerenwerker. Gehuld in een bodywarmer en met een knijper in de hand verwijderde Rouvoet in de Wateringse Veld rommel van de straat. Dat viel echter niet bij iedereen in goede aarde...

    "Ik kom om de jongeren moreel te ondersteunen. Het houdt ze niet alleen van de straat, het zet ze op de straat", aldus de minister, die iedereen enthousiast probeerde te maken om mee te helpen.

    Maar niet iedereen was blij met de komst van de minister. Een paar kinderen in de wijk vonden de schoonmaakactie helemaal niet zo'n goed plan. "Dit is toch niet normaal, ze laten kinderen gewoon schoonmaken", zegt een jongetje.

    De minister vraagt aan een ander kind of hij ook mee gaat helpen, maar daar heeft het jochie duidelijk geen zin in...

  2. Telegraaf newspaper 10 02 10:
    DEN HAAG - Minister Andre Rouvoet (Youth and Family) was in collision Wednesday with the House on the safety and quality of youth services abroad. So were his own party, Christian Union, Christian Democrats and coalition partner the Green Left opposition party PVV. There were various proposals to limit the outcourcing of people under sixteen years.

    Rouvoet would have none of it. After an examination of the Youth Care Inspectorate he said he had taken adequate measures to ensure monitoring of foreign projects. In his youth welfare institutions the employees themselves decide how to treat a young kid and if they should tkae it aboad . The minister stated it is strange that safety of young people under 16 years would be classed in different ways than those of people over 16.

    Both government parties CDA, PvdA and Christian Union as well as SP, VVD, PVV and Green in the opposition asked the minister to clarify precisely what happened in the inspection. As early as 2006 and 2007 alarmbells rang over abuses abroad, Rouvoet would have failed to send a critical report directly to the Chamber. The report was published and send to the minister in the beginning of 2009, but was only recently forwarded by the minister.

    The VVD wants Rouvoet to cease his "foreign adventures jeugdzorg company" completely. CDA MP Madeleine van Toor Burg called for a stop only for people under 16, because she fears that this group gets too far behind in school as they have no schooling. Like the rest of the chambers she is shocked that some children abroad appear to perform daily labour - apple picking, sanding doors - while not in the Netherlands.

    PvdA, Christian Union, SP and Green agree with minister Rouvoetthat jeugdzorg company abroad should not be abolished completely, not even for certain groups. Once there are guarantees for the monitoring, they say foreign projects can work well. For example, for victims of childsexslave trade who will be in a different environment working abroad on a farm.

    At the request of Christian Union, SP and Green Rouvoet now wants to bring in chart what jeugdzorg does abroad. But he is not going to put a temporary stop on the childlabour until that review is finished.

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